Monday, July 27, 2009

Bring it. *****UPDATED*****


Just got the call. My E2 levels were great at 2070 so we are pulling the trigger tonight at 9:00!  Go in tomorrow for a blood draw to confirm I triggered (because there was suspicion I did not trigger my first cycle). Retrieval at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday morning.  Omg, I am so nervous.  I think I might hurl.  Eeeeeek!  

I had another appointment this morning.  I told Dr. Dreamy we really had to stop meeting like this.  He laughed and put a soothing hand on my shoulder.  

{insert schoolgirl sigh}  

My follicle counts look pretty good.  Not great in comparison to my last two cycles, but for this one, pretty good.  I've had to adjust my outlook.  It's a good thing.  

So today I had five follies measuring between 20-22.  The other ten were between 14-17. We're in a bit of a pickle because the five that are ready are *really* ready.  If we coast one more day on stims to get the other ten to plump up, we risk the five that are "plumpier" (Dr. B coined that term and yes it is extremely technical) being "overcooked."  Get it?  

As of this moment, I am scheduled to trigger TONIGHT at 9:00 (right in the middle of The Bachelorette FINALE, how inconsiderate)!  Dr. D wants to take a look at my hormone levels, talk to the other REs in the practice to see what they think and then let me know for sure later today.  

I bet that I trigger tonight.  My E2 levels have been steadily rising and I bet they are just about right today. I will update this once I hear from them, which should be in couple hours.  


Mama is READY.  

In preparation of my trigger, retrieval and transfer, I went out and got the necessary provisions.  Not an IFer and don't know what the hell is up with the pineapple and grape juice?  Read about it here and here.  Probably old wive's tales but can't hurt, right?  I ate tons of pineapple the weeks before I got pregnant with Piglet and look where that got us.  :)  

Stay tuned...


Eileen said...

Awesome! So excited that we are triggering the same night. Now we truly are cycle buddies in all senses of the word.

Kelly said...

I think it's a sign that you're going to trigger during the Bachelorette Finale. Especially since she's going to pick Reid!!!

PDXTwins said...

Yams! You need to eat yams today.

Jess said...

That is great news...I love the updates...xoxo

Jamie said...

Love the pics of the pineapple and grape juice!

I did the pineapple with both of my cycles that worked! Probably is a wives tale -- but who cares as long as it ends up working!

Mo said...

Oh Wow!! Just catching up and you are there, girl! Better start quaffing the juices : ) I will be counting down with you! May it all go well from here on out!


Carrie said...

Woo hoo!!!!! I love trigger day so much... How thrilling!!!! Sending you oodles of good egg vibes. :).

I will toast you with chocolate milk at nine sharp!

Anonymous said...

i've been keeping up, but too swamped to comment. i am sooooo super excited for tomorrow!!! can't wait to hear how it goes.


Nicole said...

MM-Good luck on the retrieval tomorrow. Remember it's the quality, not the quantity of the eggs that matters. Can't wait to hear an update. Oh, and I will definately be trying the pineapple and grape juice next cycle!!

Nicole (maggie01)

MGerson said...

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and can't wait to hear the update. Sending lots of good thoughts your way!
