Sunday, May 31, 2009

We must be doing something right...

Springtime around here is hit or miss in terms of weather.  In fact, I am positive the phrase "April showers bring May flowers" was coined by someone who lives in our green state.  Except that it's usually more like "April showers and May downpours and June sprinkles and July, nope you're not in the clear yet."  This year though, we have been having amazing spring weather.  The past three weeks (you heard me, I said WEEKS not DAYS) most everyone's status has said something like "Loving another sunny day" or "Killing stuff in my yard because the weather is awesome" at one time or another.  Three weeks of almost non-stop sunshine and temps in the 70s and even up to 90?  

It's madness!  
It's global warming!  
I'll take it!  
You can't make me give it back!  
Please turn up the a/c!

With the advent of sunny weather, Piglet has been sporting tons of madras plaid and seersucker, showing off his chubby thigh-age and hanging out outside a fair amount. He patiently waits as I slather sunscreen on him because he knows the reward that comes with sunscreen...S U N!  

Sunshine brings people out and people out in the sunshine are happy.  Said happy people eating a surplus of cheese, drinking wine, pink lemonade and microbrews surrounded by other happy people playing hoops, walking pooches, playing on the swings? Well those lucky boffins basically have it made.  Toss in a cute kid each and you've reached Nirvana.  

Curious what Nirvana looks like? 

Allow me. 
No really.  
It's no trouble.
I insist!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So awesome! I can't wait for the weather to turn again.