I have been in serious nesting mode all day. Piglet went to spend the day with my parents while I was at home supervising the deep cleaning and sealing of the subway tile in our bathrooms, taking three bids on replacing our roof and talking to our insurance company to add my new wheels to the policy and downgrade my other car to "pleasure" status. In between entertaining all these vendors, I was sorting, washing and organizing tiny clothes and using my label maker until the battery ran dry. I dragged out the pack n' play, located my breakfast-in-bed tray (for my recovery at home) and packed up three large bags of documents to take to the shredding place. I was a force of nature all day long.
Not to worry, I abided by Union rules and took two 15 minute breaks and a one hour lunch. Unpaid of course. :)
At 3:00 I headed to my OB appointment. I'd already had my ultrasound yesterday (long story) as well as a blood draw to confirm or rule out Cholestasis. Despite my burst of adrenaline laced energy today, I've been feeling really crummy the past few days. I think all these months of sleepless nights, nausea and pain have finally caught with me. Anyway, the nurse took my weight (down two pounds, Mr. K is soooo disappointed), my blood pressure and had me pee in a cup. I am getting worse at that last one by the way. That's all I'm sayin'.
My BP was a little higher than last week and while still in normal range, has been trending upwards. Apparently I have also had traces of protein in my pee for the past few weeks and today it was slightly more significant. So much so, that my OB ordered a test for me which requires me to pee in a jug for 24 hours so they can test the protein content. Pee Watch 2010 begins at 0800 hours tomorrow morning! And last but not least, the ITCHING CONTINUES. I even broke down and started taking 8mg of Prednisone in the evening because my middle-of-the-night itching has gotten completely out of control. The prednisone helps a tiny bit but i'm still scratching until I bleed and my arms and legs are covered in tiny scabs. It is just *too* lovely for words. And this is ON PREDNISONE which as you may or may not know, is a serious steroid.
So, with all that said, I know you know what's coming...
My wonderful OB advised that we go in sooner rather than later...my c-section/ left ooferectomy has been scheduled on the day of my last OB appointment, which is MONDAY, 3/22!
Remember when I was going out of my gourd because I was twelve WEEKS away from the babies' arrival?
In case you're worried, by then I will be 36w1d, and my OB consulted with Dr. Fox, my MFMS who will also be at the delivery, and he agrees that the timing is great and that at 36 weeks gestation, the Twinks will be just fine. Their estimated weight right now is 5.5lbs each. So in almost two weeks' time, they should be around six pounds (or least I hope so, because Mr. K and I have a little wager going).
Oh and speaking of weeks, you'll all love this, my fundal height has me at 45.
FOUR to the FIVE to the WEEKS.
So imagine a woman pregnant with a full-term baby.
And that's me, right now, at this very moment. And now you know why I'm considering changing my name to Sideshow Bob. Today in the waiting room, another woman was called back and she *whispered* to her nurse "I won't get *that* big, will I?"And the nurse assured her that she would not because she was not having twins.
Seriously. I was sitting six feet away. Nice, lady. Really nice. Ever heard of Instant Karma? I hope she missed the cup and peed on her hand. Oh wait. That was me.
Anyway, this is not a(nother) post about my large, round, belly but about the fact that I am going to meet the precious Twinks in a matter of days.
D A Y S.
I think I might throw up.
Then again, what's new?
P.S. - I do have some mixed feelings about delivering at 36 weeks because part of me thinks that if I pushed and suffered a little longer, we could get to 37 weeks or beyond. I don't think the Twinks are in danger if we let them cook longer, but I also do not however, think they are in danger if we take them a little earlier either. Really, at this point, it's all gravy, so I'm rolling with it. Mostly it'd be awesome to get to 37 weeks simply for the bragging rights, since not very many people with multiples get that far. But the opportunity to have my beloved OB be there for delivery, trade in my membership to the Feral Animals Society and see my the faces of my sweet boys?Come on, that's a gimme.
P.P.S. - The post that was supposed to come today instead of this one was a big braggy post about how Carrie from Tubeless and I hung out all weekend with our families and how we are hatching plans to build a compound together. We had the most fabulous time! I'm still going to write about it, but for now I will leave you with a few teaser photos.