Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Sidewalk Studio

We recently had Piglet's one year photos taken by our favorite and very talented photographer Jill, from The Sidewalk Studio. Before Piglet was born, I agonized over selecting a photographer who would capture our as yet unborn child's growth spurts and milestones, helping us preserve those precious times forever. I had seen Jill's work before and ultimately decided that she and her studio were the right fit for our family. We bought "The Growth Chart" package which included four sittings over approximately one year and a bound photo book at the end. I have loved every session with Jill. She is so accommodating and easy going, often encouraging me to go and nurse Piglet or even let him have a little snooze to ensure the best possible outcome from our session. A mother of three herself, she really understands that kids won't always do what you ask of them, particularly on an empty stomach or when the Sandman calls.  People if you take one piece of advice from me, take this one.  Do no skimp on your child's photographs!  The mall photographers are great for a quick shot, but if you want photos of your child in their natural habitat, pictures that you can imagine passing down for generations, ones that make your heart full...hire someone like Jill from The Sidewalk Studio. You will not regret it.  

There are a few examples of our Fall '08 session on my sidebar and here are a few of my favorites (and there were many) from our most recent session capturing Piglet at one year-old. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Then again, I cried when I first saw some of these images of Piglet.
She's THAT good.
If you're lucky enough to live in my neck of the woods, you should give her a call.
You can reach her and her charming studio here.


Jamie said...

These are wonderful pictures!! :)

Anonymous said...

omg! these are great. i looked her up....and portland is a loooong way from michigan :) i will be going to portland in april, but somehow i don't think it will work.

awesome pics, though. you all look like movie stars!

Cameron said...

Wow, FAB-O PHOTOS. Amazing. Jill's GOOD! :) I thing my favorites are the two where he's crawling on the bed and the two where he's sitting on the bed. But they're all so good! What a beautiful family you are. :)

Mo said...

Beautiful pics! You have a very talented photographer. Of course, Piglet is so scrumptious it would be hard to get a bad pic of him! Love your site. And thanks for stopping by my blog recently.


Melinda said...

OMG, these are the cutest! I need them to add to my collection!!! So handsome!