Thursday, November 6, 2008

New skills.

As we approach the ten month mark, Piglet is literally learning something new every day. From sign language to "commands," Piglet shows us that he understands what we're saying and can communicate with us. It's amazing! I recently visited some newborns and it made me muse about how far Piglet has come since those first few months. On one hand it seems like only yesterday that we brought all 8lbs 8oz of him home and marveled at his every involuntary smile. On the other, it seems like it's been QUITE The Journey (and it has) from those first few days until now, nearly ten months later.

A little unsolicited advice to new and soon-to-be moms out there: open up your tired, sleep-deprived eyes and soak it all in. Cherish every tiny thing about your Tiny Thing because it goes all too quickly! Soon you'll be looking at your almost-one-year-old like me and wondering where all those days and hours went. Fortunately, I got the very same advice from a sage friend, so I've got them all tucked away for safekeeping. :)

I leave you with some recent videos of Piglet's newest skills: dancing, saying Da Da very clearly and playing with a truck. He's actually been playing with cars for over a month, but I just now taped it. At the end of this clip he smacks himself in the face with the truck but I clipped it to save you from having to say "ouch!" Don't worry, he only shed a few tears and then was right back to playing.


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