Lately when someone asks me how old Piglet is, I have the urge to say " ____ months." Instead, now I have to say "one year old" and it sort of takes my breath away every time. Where did the past year go? Why didn't I take more video of him when he was tiny and just laid there? Not that the videos of him squealing with delight and copying his dad aren't fantastic, I'm just feeling very wistful about the past twelve months. Despite being very conscientious about documenting Piglet's first year of life (this blog is case in point) I still find myself wishing I would've taken more pictures or more video, soaked it in a little more. Don't even talk to me about his baby book...I need to be locked away in a room somewhere for about three days with only that and an acid-free pen.
As with every year, the past one has been filled with highs and lows but UNLIKE every year, this year's highs have been extraordinary while the lows have been momentary. A baby changes everything. As a person who thought she might not ever experience this ultimate joy, I will say I have truly not taken it for granted. Piglet was not a product of "let's have a baby" and a month later ta-da!!!! We are pregnant!!! But more like "How many more shots? How many more surgeries? Will this ever work?!" And then, after almost 18 months of that conversation...ta-da!!! We are FINALLY pregnant! I sometimes still cannot believe that it worked. I got pregnant. I got to feel Piglet's first movements as he fluttered around inside me and then later, when he would kick me so hard, it showed through my clothes. I still can't believe, to this day that I got to carry him around for 40 weeks and then push him out of my body. And yet it all happened. After months and months of willing it to happen, it actually did. It dawns on me now that we tried to have Piglet longer than we've actually had Piglet. Huh. Crazy. So while I know that every child is really and truly a miracle, Piglet got a little extra special sprinkle of miracle and I remind myself of that all the time. We are hoping to have another sprinkle of miracle sometime in the next year, but that's another post.
For now, for today, we have our ONE YEAR OLD Piglet and we are content and happy and cannot wipe the smug smile from our faces when we think about how lucky we are.
Here are Piglet's one year stats...
weight: 22.9 40%,
height: 30.5 inches 50%
head circumference: 60%
clothing sizes: 12-18, 12-24, 2T, shoe size - 3-4
New Party Tricks: nodding his head "yes," doing push-ups (see "resolution" post), signing: bird, book, please, milk, car, daddy, and dog, but not just at his dog, at all dogs - dogs on packaging, dogs on TV, cartoon dogs, dogs in books, you name it, if it has four legs and tail, it's a dog!
Endearments: Oinker, Piglet, Shrieker, Terrible Little Child, Special, Monkey, Monk, Pumpkin Pie, Lovebug, Bug,
Piglet LOVES
- sitting in his $25 Ikea highchair
- feeding himself with a fork
- salty foods
- savory foods
- cooked carrots (who knew?)
- cheddar and string cheeses
- sleeping in the car
- his dog
- smearing all his food together on the tray - lovely
- his new personalized stuffed animal "Max"
- having playdates
- pulling himself up from the floor and bouncing around
- climbing on things
- sitting in his stuffed chair and then standing up
- grocery carts (no really!)
- cheesy poofs (don't worry, we buy the organic, baked kind, not Cheetos!)
- balloons
- sleeping in until 8:00 a.m.
- to feed his dog while sitting in the highchair, resulting in the dog being sequestered until the meal is over
- books
Piglet is OVER
- being fed with a spoon or even your hands
- yogurt
- applesauce
- closed doors
- climbing up the stairs - hooray!
- elevators - he has suddenly developed an unreasonable fear of these
- Blue's Clues
- taking afternoon naps
- having things taken away from him
- seeing the instrument box at Music Together and not being able to dig into it right away
- getting dressed, being nudie is so much more fun
- laying down for a diaper change
- having the ped use a stethoscope
- immunizations
- getting croup
- waiting for more teeth to come in so he can eat more solid foods