If you have followed my blog for awhile, you'll know that I throw elaborate birthday parties for Piglet. And this year, the Twinks will have a big bash of their own. And by elaborate, I do not mean "real housewives of some rich place" but rather "stay at home mom hearts Paper Source." My friends always tell me that they don't know how I do it. They are exhausted even at the thought. Mr. K wanted to know why I do this. Do what?
Plan several months in advance?
Stress for several weeks?
Spend hours and hours making sure every single detail is exactly right?
Make his cake and cupcakes from scratch?
Pull an all-nighter the night before the party?
I do it for my kid...and now kidS.
Some of you might not believe me. Some of you will say "she's just showing off" or "she has too much time on her hands" (ha!) Someone I know once told me that people would like me more if I was less of a perfectionist. The thing is, that's not my goal.
Showing off or being more well-liked. Sorry, but NO. If you like me that's fantastic. If you don't, I'm not going to invite you to my kid's party so that you will.
My goal is this.
Years from now, when my boys are grown and married and reminiscing about their childhoods, I want them to say:
"Our mom used to throw us the BEST birthday parties. I still remember them. She went all out, put together this huge candy buffet and tons of food and put up signs and banners everywhere and we handed out the greatest party favors. All the kids wanted to come to our parties. Birthday parties were some of our happiest childhood memories."
THAT is why I do this. I want to create a beloved tradition in our family of celebrating the joyous day that each of my children came into the world. And I want to do it BIG. And BRIGHT. And with TONS OF CANDY.
And yes, in many ways the party is for me too. Because the day that each of my boys was born was the very best of my life. And hells yez. I want to celebrate that.
So there you have it. The reasons why I do this. I do this for my boys. To inject a bit of magic into their childhoods. I do this for myself. To celebrate the day my precious babies were born.
And also, in case you still have doubts about my motives, I do it because I love candy. (Nom nom nom).
Happy 3rd Birthday to the Original Piglet!
I absolutely LOVE your party pictures...last years looked great too....can't wait to see the ones for the twinks. Love the idea...wish I had the energy, or maybe a planning/creative bone in my body. But I think it's a simply wonderful thing you do!
I love everything about this. Birthdays are by far my favorite "holidays" of the year. We make a big deal out of them here too, but... um... maybe not *quite* as big a deal as you. :)
I think it's wonderful that you create such fabulous birthday memories for your kids. Happy Birthday to your big boy! I have to say...three has been quite the challenging age in our house. I'm looking forward to what four has in store. :-)
mmmmm candy buffet! love the wagons, too. super cute. congrats to the birthday boy. can you believe you have a 3 year old? *that's* kinda scary! lol!!!
I'm not as good of a party planner, but I definitely understand your logic!
Happy Birthday, Piglet #1!! :)
Love all of it! I have got to get to that paper store.
You did a beautiful job (as always)! The big smile on Piglet's face says it all! I think I have to reacquaint myself with Paper Source now.
I have no willpower -- I MUST stop sneaking candy from K's goody bag! We had so much fun celebrating Piglet's birthday with you!
Hi! You don't know me and I came by your blog by accident, but I have to say....you have the cutest kids ever!
I love the photo of the birthdayboy! Congratulations!!!
"People would like [you] more if [you were]less of a perfectionist"....... Someone who know YOU said that ??????
I LOOOOOOVE you just the way you are, my perfect perfectionist american friend !!! Please never change !!!!
Hope some day I get to attend a birthday party ;=)
Hello. I stumbled across your blog this evening & just wanted to say that your post was so sweet that I even cried a bit. LOVE that you go to such great lengths so that your children will have such wonderful memories. You make me want to be a better mom :)
Such a cute family.
Did you do all of that by yourself! wow! great party!!!! love the theme too!!!! happy 3rd bday to little piglet!
by the way, I am your new follower. You can follow me back at http://sassymommytine.blogspot.com/. thank you!
I just discovered your blog and love it! You haven't updated in awhile, but I'm going to follow you anyways, just in case you come back. LOL! I totally understand the length between posts. I have 2 blogs that I try to update regularly, but they always seem to fall by the wayside. Like you, I love throwing parties. I've already started to plan the combined birthday party my husband's 30th and baby's 1st birthday. I love crafting too and plan to make most of the decorations ahead of time. :) We live in an old house as well and have been remodeling/restoring it ever since we moved in. Haha! I better stop, this comment is way too long. ^_^*
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